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Book Chapters Link to heading
- Parti, G. (2024). A Fűszer-szigetek a tengeri Selyemúton: A szegfűszeg és szerecsendió korai kereskedelme [The Spice Islands on the Maritime Silk Road: The Early Trade in Cloves and Nutmeg]. In G. Kósa (Ed.), Gazdaság, történelem és politika a Selyemút mentén [Economy, history and politics along the Silk Road] (pp. 269-327). ELTE BTK Kínai Tanszék, Budapest. . DOI coming soon.
Journal Articles Link to heading
- Parti, G. (2024). Mapping the Language of Spices A Corpus-Based, Philological Study on the Words of the Spice Domain. Sino-Platonic Papers, 338. (Based on Ph.D. thesis)
Conference Papers Link to heading
Parti, G., Liesenfeld, A., & Huang, C.-R. (2021). Animosity and Suffering: Metaphors of BITTERNESS in English and Chinese. Proceedings of the 35th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 700–710.
Liesenfeld, A., Parti, G., & Huang, C.-R. (2021b). Scikit-Talk: A Toolkit for Processing Real-world Conversational Speech Data. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 252–256.
Liesenfeld, A., Parti, G., & Huang, C. (2021a). Deep Learning Meets Private Talk: Conversational AI Can Predict Speaker Traits by Eavesdropping for Only 30 Seconds. Mensch Und Computer 2021, 547–551.
Liesenfeld, A., Parti, G., Hsu, Y.-Y., & Huang, C.-R. (2020). Predicting Gender and Age Categories in English Conversations Using Lexical, Non-Lexical, and Turn-Taking Features. Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 157–166.
Theses Link to heading
Parti, G. (2023). Mapping the Language of Spices A Corpus-Based, Philological Study on the Words of the Spice Domain [Ph.D. thesis]. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Parti, G. (2017). Arab-indiai kapcsolatok a középkorban: Az indiai-óceáni tengeri kereskedelem [Arab-India Relations in the Middle Ages: The Indian Ocean Maritime Trade] [M.A. thesis]. Eötvös Loránd University.
Parti, G. (2014). A szebíl-kuttáb Kairóban [The Sabil-Kuttab in Cairo] [B.A. thesis]. Eötvös Loránd University.
Parti, G. (2013). Középkori muszlim utazók és geográfusok a Koreai-félszigetről [Medieval Muslim Travelers and Geographers on the Korean Peninsula] [B.A. thesis]. Eötvös Loránd University.